Tuesday, July 12, 2011

And that's why I moved to Utah.

Saturday was one of those perfect days. Up early before the sun started blazing. Packed up the kayak, threw some breakfast in the cooler, loaded the beach chairs and floats into the car, and drove the short 1/4 mile to Quail Creek State Park and its beautiful lake.

(Note: This IS the kayak, but not the lake ... this is the Colorado River near Willow Beach in Arizona. Another trip, another day.)

Marg and I were paddling our two-person, inflatable kayak by 8 am. Although most of the lake was already sunlit, the west end offered a small inlet surrounded by trees. It was silent and shady and we drifted under the branches. Then a robust paddle took us around the shoreline where the slickrock was baking, the fishermen were tossing their lines hopefully, and it was still early enough for the speed-boaters and water-skiers to be home tucked in their beds.

Back on the beach, we tossed our fabulous chair floats (thanks, Mom!) into the water and, holding onto the branches of a partially submerged tree so we didn't end up in the middle of the lake, we soaked up the sun in the cool water. A quick swim, a breakfast break, and then we settled into our chairs with our tunes for a few lazy hours.

When we returned to our rig, we experienced a nasty windstorm (not quite as bad as the one on July 3 that tore up our awnings). Although scary ... the RV was shaking and rattling and sand was flying ... no damage was done.

The wind finally dispersed and the evening was magnificent. Marg cooked us up some steaks and roasted corn on the grill. Our reclining lawn chairs were an excellent viewpoint for the fiery red and yellow sunset followed by the quarter moon and stars peeking through the clouds.

(Note: Yes, this IS the sunset!)

Quiet descended on the campground and it was good to remember exactly why we moved to an RV in Utah.

Thanks for tuning in!


1 comment:

  1. Glad a tree didn't go through your camper!

    Pretty sunset. I'm excited to visit y'all sometime out there. Think it would be neat to turn off my cell phone for a weekend and relax. They called me cave man Dan in college. I'm ready to get back to my roots ;)
